Self-employed. 30+ years' experience.
Evidence that sells: Read my Simplicity blog post on the business impact of effective customer stories

Illustrate your technology and business value messaging by crafting true stories that connect with your target market.
Customer case studies for business software and AI
Technical and scientific case studies for AR, VR, and ML
Microsoft IT Showcase/Inside Track solution stories
Think beyond your messaging pillars and product benefits. How have real customers gained advantage from the services and solutions you provide? I use my interviewing, writing, technology, and business experience to write compelling stories that resonate widely with your potential customers.
Get help with short- and longer-form copy writing that illustrates your value proposition and differentiates your brand.
Messaging frameworks
Industry white papers
Solution landing pages
E-mail nurture campaigns
I write clear, targeted web and campaign copy to make business advantages come alive—for big clients like Microsoft Azure and Salesforce, and smaller B2B companies down to just a few people. In every case, I make sure technology vision is tied to real customer needs in ways that capture readers' attention.


Help your developers, administrators, execs, and other users interface productively with the tools you create.
Business workflow documentation
Software developer kits (SDK) and API docs
Technology user and admin guides
I describe technology in plain language and make sure the information workers need is easy to locate, consume, and reference for future actions. Most people resist reading because they're too busy, too impatient, or both. Good technical writing makes them happier about doing their job.
I'm vendor agency-ready
Besides contracting directly via self-employment, I regularly work with authorized suppliers who are fully qualified to place me into contracts where agency relationships are required—including at Microsoft, Salesforce, Amazon, and other large companies.

Want help bringing your technology value to life? Reach out!
Tel: 206-499-3630
LinkedIn: robertheuer
Hi there. My name is Robert Heuer and I do technical marketing writing as Studio1312 Consulting.
In 1993, I was finishing graduate school, teaching, writing a novel, and trying to pay back my student loans. A tiny local software startup hired me to write a user guide for $500. I didn't know much about technology, but I could ask questions, I could write, and I could learn as I went along. Later that year, I heard about this thing called the internet, and moved to the west coast where all the exciting stuff seemed to be happening.
In many ways, that's the last thing I can remember.
Since then, my career has been a whirlwind of constantly finding new ways I can apply these skills to help tech companies and organizations connect their business value with customers. Plain language is essential for landing technical concepts. It sounds hokey, but if I didn't think real people were somehow using my words to make their jobs and lives a little better, I'd probably never have come this far.
I'm based in the Seattle and San Francisco areas. I've worked in many industries, for companies of every size.

Robert and his unofficial office assistant, Indy the Dog 2006-2022.